Do's and Don't of Pregnancy Announcements

This post is taken from a reel by Anna Hart, who begun by giving context "it's Baby Loss Awareness Week and I unfortunately have quite a lot of experience on the subject, these are the do's and don't of pregnancy announcements"

There isn't a good way to tell someone struggling that you are pregnant, but there are definitely bad ways. Here are some do's and don't to help you and your friend through your happy news:

1) Dotalk to your friend and share how you'd both like to receive each other's news as and when it happens for you both.

2) Don'ttext or call out of the blue and always how they are before you tell them. And decide whether it's better to wait and tell them if needs be.

3) Don'ttake offence to their reaction, give them space.

4) Don'tdrop and unexpected scan on a group text.

5) Dotry and tell important friends before using social media to share the news.

6) Don'tuse their experience to justify your own fears about pregnancy.

7) Don't expect them to be able to be there for you during your pregnancy. Lean on other friends.

8) Do avoid them hearing second-hand via friends passing the news on, instead be sure to tell them yourself.

9) Don't be upset if you don't get 'like' from particular friends when you share updates on Instagram.

10) Do understand that your friendship will survive, especially if you both respect each other. It might be a case of timeout for a while.

Anna Hart is the founder of One Roof Social: a marketing and social agency. She also has an Instagram account @annaelerihart.