Starting School
September will aways be about about getting your new pencil case ready, but for this reception teacher this time of year is also tied up with the look of panic and desperation in the eyes of new parents as they drop their precious cargo during those first few days of school. As a new mum, I get that now and thought that I’d try to reassure any parents who are nervously-awaiting-but-at-the-same-time-counting-down-the-hours until the summer holidays are over thateverything is going to be okay.
1. Remember that kids do things at different times and learn at different rates. Just like babies learn to roll/crawl/walk at different ages, children do all kinds of things at different times. Avoid comparing your child with their peers from the get-go. A child who is starting school at 5 for example, has had 25% more time on earth than a child who has just turned 4, that’s huge. If you’re worried that your little one isn’t able to do some of these things, please don’t. Talk to your child’s teacher for ways that you can support them at home.
2. Things to talk with your child about before their first day:
Talk to your child about their new school in the weeks leading up to the start of term. If you’ve had a chance to visit beforehand, that’s really great. The more that your little one knows about their new school, classroom and teachers, the more prepared they will feel on the first day.
Talk about the different feelings that they will experience when they start school and what to do when they encounter them, for example how to cope with feeling upset. Reassure them that they can speak to their teacher about ANYTHING they’d like to. Especially, if they are feeling sad or need help, for example, when they are hurt or need the toilet.
Children should also be aware that their own actions and words can hurt other children before they start school. If they have been to nursery it’s likely they’ll know this already but it’s a good idea to refresh before school starts in September.
Finally, encourage your child to always have a go at things. Many times, children are too nervous about trying something new in fear that they will get it ‘wrong’.
3. There really is no such thing as ‘wrong’ in Reception. Avoid this language! Being willing to have a go is what they really need to help them learn.
4. Things to practice with your child before their first day: Your child should be toilet trained before starting school, this includes being able to wipe themselves after they’ve been to the toilet. Speak to your local GP if you’re struggling with this.
Buy your child shoes that they can put on and take off themselves. Velcro is a good place to start. This allows them independence and saves your child’s teacher a LOT of time. Practice dressing and undressing. School shirts with buttons can be tricky but ideally, they should be able to dress and undress themselves by the time P.E starts (which isn’t usually straight away!)
Interest in stories is SO important for literacy skills. Read with your child as often as you can to foster a love for reading from an early age. This one is important.
Ability to use cutlery.Nana’s Manners create specialist children’s cutlery to help support children with eating using a knife and fork, these are a great idea if your little one is finding eating tricky. (Or do it the old-fashioned way- practice, practice, practice.)
5. When starting Reception your child should be able to recognize their name. It is a bonus if they can copy some of the letters or even better, can have go at writing their name. Many writing practise that you have/do at home is amazing! Practice writing in lower case as opposed to capital letters (apart from at the start of their name.) Capitals come later on and children who have only practiced writing in upper case can be confused when later learning lower case letters in Reception.Practice counting with your child as often as you can up to 10. Use everyday objects, such as carrots on the plate, to incorporate into everyday chat.
6. Things for parents to remember:don’t forget named spare clothes, including socks for your child (wee travels down south quickly!!)
Read the books, help with the homework, and return the slips – If you are finding it hard to keep on top of these bits, speak to your child’s teacher. They are there to help and support you too.
Your child will bring home a lot of what-looks-like rubbish. They will probably run at you with it, holding it high with pride.
Although to you, this looks like half an egg carton with a loo roll stuck to the top, to them it is a work of art, it is time, it is imagination, it is hard work, it is precious, it is pride. Please please, keep it (even just for a day) to celebrate their efforts. It means more to them than we know. The process is everythingin Nursery and Reception. Focus on the energy and skills it takes to get to the drawing, the cupcakes, the handwriting, the construction tower, the counting… They are worth celebrating more than the finished product.
Don’t be on your phone when you drop off or pick up (just don’t.)
6. First days are hard. Your child might cry and it will feel awful. But after you leave, they will calm down and become happily engaged in activities and making friends whilst you sob your heart out on the way home thinking that they will never forgive you. Or they might not cry on the first day, but then shock you by crying on a different day, that is normal too. Do not worry!
7. If your child’s teacher is ever worried that there is a real problem, the school will contact you.
8. Make sure that you say goodbye before you leave on the first day and remind your child that you will be back later to collect them. There is nothing worse than a parent whothinksthat they are doing right by just sneaking out and disappearing, only for their child to turn around and think that they’ve been abandoned in a room full of people they don’t know. That being said, when you do say goodbye, say goodbye! Don’t drag it out.
9. Finally, your child’s teacher is there to help you (but they are only human.) I totally understand how scary it must be to leave your baby with a stranger for the day and why you would want to know everything that they got up to BUT your child’s teacher is there to help your child flourish, they will take notice of the important stuff. They might not remember exactly who your child played with at what time and what they enjoyed the most and how much of their lunch they ate and whether they went to the toilet enough and what their new best friend likes to do on the weekend. Try not to bombard them, but trust them. They are on your side and they will do their very best to make sure your child has their best year yet (and theywill– I promise.)
10. This first year of school is brilliant in so many ways. Okay, I might be a little biased but I’m telling you, it’s the best! So much learning takes place this year, for the both of you. Be prepared for your child to shock you, with their growth, with their learning and with their sassiness (some more than others.)Everythingis going to be okay. You’ve got this mama!